This couple strengthened their relationship at a Marriage Enrichment Retreat

Dan and Leanne knew they had to protect their marriage. Even though it was strong and they felt like they were in a good place, they both knew that if they weren’t intentional about actively protecting their relationship, their marriage could be at risk.
“No marriage is completely safe,” Dan explains. “No one’s immune. There’s no magic pill you can take.”
The two of them had been talking about going to a marriage conference, something they could do together that would help them deepen their commitment and make their strong marriage even stronger. With their 10-year anniversary coming up, a Marriage Enrichment Retreat was the perfect opportunity to do just that.
“Leanne kind of pursued it quickly,” Dan says with a smile. “She registered us right away. It was great.”
Some of their friends assumed they were going because of an issue in their relationship. But Dan notes, “We were looking to enrich our marriage and learn something about what we can do to protect ourselves from the possibility of divorce or having an affair.”
“We found it was all really practical and easy to apply to our marriage,” he recalls. On the last night of the retreat, they were even able to apply the communication and problem-solving skills they had learned to an issue they were experiencing.
The retreat also proved to be an eye-opener for the couple about how they viewed their relationship. They’d always thought of themselves as a team first, rather than as individuals. But through their time at Marriage Enrichment, they discovered how vital it was to take care of themselves spiritually, physically, mentally and emotionally, so that they could be a better partner to their spouse.
“We both are truly thrilled with the experience we had,” Dan remarks. “We’ve recommended it to at least four couples already.” They’ve been able to see the impact the retreat is having on their relationship and want the same for others.
“We work very well together as a team,” Dan concludes. “When one of us is falling down, the other one steps up a little bit more, we lean in and support each other and we understand that our relationship is integral to what our kids see. Hopefully when they are married and starting a family, the model we show in how we work together, how we work through a struggle together, is a model for them when they’re adults and they’re doing the same kind of stuff.”
Looking back on their Marriage Enrichment experience, Dan and Leanne are enthusiastic about the tools they were given that will help them protect their relationship and set an example of what a strong marriage looks like – for their children, their friends and their co-workers to see.
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