Brio equips Hannah to share God’s truth in love

Apr 25, 2024

As a Christian teenager trying to navigate an increasingly tense and divided culture, Hannah relies on the biblically based guidance and wisdom found in the pages of her Brio magazine – especially when it comes to the hot-button topic of gender and sexuality.

Hannah knows first-hand the challenges of engaging in conversation about issues that easily get heated. “Unfortunately, more often than not the harshest words are spoken by the same people who claim to be Christians,” she says.

“LGBTQ+ rights is one of the most controversial subjects in my lifetime,” she continues, “and rarely is there a debate on such a topic that goes down with loving words and patient hearts. People on both sides of the issue – left and right – tend to have animosity towards those who believe differently.”

It can feel impossible for young Christ-followers to know how to walk the line between loving without accepting and sharing truth without judgment. That’s why Brio is so necessary.

Brio has an infinite wealth of Christ-centred advice and encouragement for girls like me,” Hannah says. “And that information doesn’t disappear after the first time it is consumed. These articles last and continue to help teenage girls who need them.”

Every other month, Hannah eagerly awaits her new issue of Brio: “Brio is so rich with wisdom and full of the Good News of Jesus that it brings a smile to my face every time that I read it! I have all of my editions stacked on my desk and I am constantly going back to re-read articles when I am in need of encouragement or advice. Brio is a breath of fresh air for me in contrast to the stifling lies and negativity that so many other outlets are trying to feed me. Most every time that I flip through one of the magazines, an article sticks out to me that speaks directly to my current situation.”

When it comes to conversations around LGBTQ+ rights, Hannah been able to put into practice what she’s learning within the halls of her Christian school.

“Most of my conversations have involved a classmate being unloving or condemning, and I have gently reminded them that although someone may believe differently than us or follow broken ideals, they are still human beings loved by God, made in his image, and created for a purpose,” Hannah explains. “Everyone, no matter what they say or do or how they act or identify, is our neighbour. And that’s one of the most important things we can remind our fellow Christians.”

Because of the practical advice in the pages of Brio, teenagers like Hannah are being equipped to share God’s light, truth and love with their friends, classmates and neighbours.

“As a Christian, I know the ultimate truth,” Hannah says, “and the most loving thing we can do as Christians is to show others the love and light of Christ, even when it’s uncomfortable. Fortunately, when we rely on God to guide our words and actions, we can find ways every day to show the love of Christ to other while we demonstrate the only truth through our lives.”

To learn more or subscribe to Brio magazine for you or a teen girl in your life, visit

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