In case you missed it: April articles

One of the ways Focus on the Family Canada is here to serve you is through our series of original articles, which we publish for free online each month. In case you may have missed them, here are links to a few of our latest articles related to marriage and parenting, as well as to faith and culture. If you want to receive them to your inbox each month, just sign up below and you’ll never miss an article!
A Lenten playlist: Reflections on the sacrifice of Jesus
The goal of Lent is to focus our hearts and minds on the death and resurrection of Jesus, and music can help us do that. In the spirit of the season, even for those who may not observe it, here are a few musical selections that can help us prepare to celebrate our Lord’s Passion at Eastertime, along with recommended listening and viewing options for each.
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It’s not about the money: Going beneath the surface of financial conflict
It’s essential to understand that most arguments about money are really not about money. They grow out of a failure to understand each other’s needs and to respect each other’s personalities. To resolve a fight over money, we must search beneath the surface of the conflict to discover the physical, emotional and spiritual needs that motivate the way we handle money.
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Teaching discernment in an age of misinformation
Do you remember the tabloids with outrageous headlines that once stuffed the newspaper stands at supermarket checkouts? Those farcical newspapers may be long gone from newsstands, but misinformation masquerading as truth is an exploding problem in today’s era of digital communication. And we all shoulder some of the blame. We are increasingly bombarded by misinformation masquerading as truth. Boost your teen’s critical thinking skills by helping them learn how to discern fact from fiction.
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Why the Resurrection is the heart of Christianity
The Gospel is the central truth of the Christian faith, and the truth of the Gospel stands on the reality of the Resurrection. Then as now, the Resurrection has implications believers don’t always consider, but which offer powerful support for our faith.
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