Digital format of our magazine is back!

One of the many ways Focus on the Family Canada has adapted to best serve families during this pandemic is by offering our Focus on the Family magazine in a digital format.
Not only has it helped our ministry to save money and wisely steward the funds from our generous donors, but it has led to great opportunities for our readers to share encouraging articles with their loved ones.
One such reader used the digital format to encourage those the Lord put on his heart. “[The digital magazine] enabled me in a non-threatening way of letting them know I’m concerned about them and am interested in them, but not prying,” he told us. “It says, I’m aware of you, we’re praying for you, even though I’m not in your face about it, here’s something to let you know how interested I am in you and I am thinking of you.” You can read the rest of this beautiful story here.
Please be sure to check out the digital version of this month’s issue on our website and, if you feel led, share it with anyone who might enjoy it or be helped by its content.
We are thrilled to still be able to offer the helpful advice and support you’ve come to expect from the magazine, just in a digital format. Even as you are likely facing unexpected pressures and new realities these days, we want you to know we are here to support you through them. If you haven’t already, please visit our help for families during COVID-19 page for a collection of resources to help you today or call us at 1.800.661.9800. Thank you in advance for your continued support!
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