In case you missed it: July articles

One of the ways Focus on the Family Canada is here to serve you is through our series of original articles, which we publish for free online each month. In case you may have missed them, here are links to our latest articles related to marriage and parenting, as well as to faith and culture. If you want to receive them to your inbox each month, just sign up below and you’ll never miss an article! You’ll find inspirational and educational pieces that will strengthen your faith.
The Holy Spirit: Misconceptions and biblical truth
Of the three persons of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit is the most ineffable and mysterious. We have a mental image of Jesus, perhaps even of God the Father, but what about the Spirit? The same might be said of our theology. Christians have developed divergent beliefs about the Holy Spirit, many of them at odds with each other, often rooted in various church traditions as much as in Scripture. However, it’s to Scripture we must turn if we are to root out our misconceptions and clarify our understanding of the third person of the Trinity.
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Five newlywed pitfalls
Any way you look at it, joining two people together as one requires some adjustments. No matter how well you plan ahead through intentional dating and premarital counselling, nothing can truly prepare you for living as a couple and experiencing daily life together. Here are five potential pitfalls and advice for pushing through to gain a stronger marriage. Click through to read more.
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Kinda Dangerous Family Devotions video series
It’s happened to all of us. Your family sits down for devotion time, you’re ready to share biblical truths, and . . . your kids are not paying attention. You ask them what they thought, and they barely remember a thing you just said. What if this month your kids actually looked forward to family devotions? In this free, four-part video series, author Tim Shoemaker will guide you through four experiments and the biblical lessons they help illustrate. Your kids won’t be yawning when you electrocute a pickle!
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The wisdom of Wimbledon: Our days are like grass
As God’s image-bearers, we humans are capable of creating good and beautiful things. But by nature, the beauty of these human creations is temporary, like the grass at Wimbledon and the glory of its champions. None of it was designed to be enjoyed solely for its own sake, but with a view to the eternal beauty of one who is the source of all good gifts.
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