Free faith-building resources for you

It’s hard to believe we’re already in the final stretch of 2021 – another year filled with uncertainty and tensions. No matter what you’re facing as we approach the end of the year, Focus on the Family Canada is here for you. One of the most practical ways we can serve you is by providing biblically based resources to you at no cost, thanks to the generosity of our donors.
I have three recent resources about which I’m especially pleased to tell you, starting with our family-focused Advent devotional.
Digital Advent calendar: All the Colors of Christmas Devotional
The season of Advent is a time of anticipation and preparation, a time to celebrate Jesus’ coming. Advent is meant to awaken in us a deep yearning for the Messiah – to help us recognize our sinful condition and understand how he comes to free us. Celebrate with this free digital Advent calendar from Focus! All the Colors of Christmas is designed to help parents lead their family through the Advent season and teach their kids about the great story of God introducing Jesus to the world. It’s filled with Christ-centred activities and an exploration of the epic, colourful history of that first Christmas long ago. We want to encourage your family to remain centred on Jesus!
Download the devotional
Video series: Winning Your Inner Battles
If you’re constantly wrestling with your relentless inner critic or finding yourself triggered by things that cause you to react poorly, it’s easy to feel like you’ve lost the battle before it’s begun. God wants to equip you to fight against negativity, temptation, and Satan’s attempts to steal, kill and destroy your life. With the Holy Spirit’s help, you can take on those stumbling blocks and overcome those inner battles. Join Pastor Levi Lusko, author of I Declare War: Four Keys to Winning the Battle with Yourself, in this free eight-part video series. You’ll learn practical and encouraging lessons on taking control of your thoughts and actions as you become equipped and empowered to be the person God created you to be.
Watch the series
Video series: How to Respond When Your Kids Ask Tough Questions About God
The world is full of negative criticism of Christianity. How are you supposed to prepare your children for the challenges and questions they’ll face from non-believers, and even the questions that arise in their own minds? To help provide some answers, we’re offering this free six-part video series featuring Natasha Crain, author of Keeping Your Kids on God’s Side. Natasha shares important insights on what to communicate to your kids about God and Christianity, and she’ll inspire you to have deeper conversations with your kids about why they can be sure of their faith.
Watch the series
I hope you enjoy these resources. If you can think of anyone who might be blessed by them, please feel free to pass them along!
Jean-Paul Beran
Focus on the Family Canada
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