Ease back-to-school uncertainties with this free tool kit

Back-to-school season is usually a busy time of year for families. Kids get to anticipate their new classroom and they look forward to seeing their friends again on a regular basis. And parents can ease back into a regular, expected routine.
But the upcoming school season, like nearly every other aspect of daily life, looks drastically different than any previous year in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Parents face uncertainties as to how this school year will look, and may be asking tough questions: “How will the classroom be managed?” “What do we do if schools have to close again due to a second wave?” “Will my child be safe?”
Whether you plan to send your children to school, assist in their remote learning from home, continue to homeschool or try homeschooling for the first time, I know any decision you make as a parent is what you believe to be best for your child and your family. And I want you to know that Focus is here for you, and we have resources to help you.
One free resource I’m excited to share with you is our Back-to-school tool kit. You’ll find tips for getting your child to move toward independence and ways for you to encourage them in this exciting new chapter of their young lives. This free tool kit includes:
- Ideas for easing into the school year
- A checklist to see if your child is ready for kindergarten
- Door hangers to help your child build a routine
- Helpful tips from fellow parents
- Lunch box notes to encourage your son or daughter
- Advice on how to team up with your child’s teacher
- After-school conversation starters
Please share this free tool kit with anyone you know who could use some practical encouragement as the school season approaches. And if we can pray for you and your family, please let us know.
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