Do you know that your story can inspire other families?

You might not think that others care about your story, but they do! I know I love to hear how someone overcame insurmountable odds or how God answered a special prayer. All of us at Focus on the Family Canada are encouraged when families write in to tell us how the ministry has impacted them and I’m convinced that you would be encouraged too if you read the stories of how God is working in the lives of Canadians.
To help share inspiration and encouragement, will you send us your story so we can share it with others?
There is no wrong way to share your story, after all it’s your story, but if possible, please give us some specifics of what God used or did to change your life or the circumstances you were facing. Maybe it was a book you read, or an event you attended at our retreat centres. Maybe it was a miraculous answer to prayer after you asked Focus on the Family Canada to pray for you. Maybe it was the moment when your son or daughter gave their life to Christ after listening to Adventures in Odyssey!
I would love to hear how Focus on the Family has made a difference in your life, and I know other families would love to hear as well. Stories are a powerful way to inspire and encourage, and most importantly, to honour God by testifying to His power to heal, transform, restore and bless.
We have already been collecting some stories and you can read a few of them right here. Why not add your story to our growing collection. God might just use you to inspire a nation!
Please share your story with us today so that, together, we can encourage families in Canada!
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