Celebrate Focus Canada’s 40th Anniversary

This year, Focus on the Family Canada is celebrating 40 years of serving families across our great nation! Aside from the grace of God, this milestone wouldn’t have been reached without the generosity of our supporters. I want to thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
I invite you to check out a short video put together by our team that shows the growth and impact that’s taken place over the last four decades. I’m so excited and honoured to be part of this milestone. I hope this video encourages you as much as it has me!
As you’ll see in the video, Focus Canada has grown and expanded, staying true to our mission of strengthening Canadian families through education and support based on Christian principles, and propelled by our vision to see every family in Canada transformed by love, vibrant in faith and enduring in hope.
In addition to ministry programs listed in this video, I want to draw your attention to a special offering from one of our most beloved resources: Adventures in Odyssey. Since 1987, John Avery Whittaker and the gang from the town of Odyssey have been providing children and their parents with a wide variety of life lessons through the adventures they go through. To help us celebrate Focus Canada’s 40th anniversary, we put together a free Adventures in Odyssey activity booklet filled with games, puzzles and more. Click here to download a free PDF copy to print off and share with friends.
As we celebrate 40 years and look ahead to – by God’s grace – 40 more, I want to remind you that we are here for you and your family. If you need prayer over the phone, a resource recommendation from one of our staff members, or a free one-time phone consultation with one of our in-house counsellors, please reach out. We’re just a click, email or phone call away. Visit our website, email us at [email protected], or call our team at 1.800.661.9800.
I hope you feel as excited as we are for this 40th anniversary and pray you and your family enjoy the summer months ahead.
Jean-Paul Beran, MA
Focus on the Family Canada
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