A Focus Series

New parents

Learn about the importance of attachment in your child's first year and get help with some practical issues
Inside this Series

Congratulations on your new names: Mom and Dad! Being a new parent can feel both exciting and overwhelming at the same time. Just remember that the Lord very intentionally chose you to have the joy of raising your precious little one. Even when you don’t feel up to the task, he will be with you. You’ve got this!

Healthy attachment in infants

Adjusting to parenthood

Recommended resources

Expectant Parents: Preparing Together for the Journey of Parenthood

Things I Wish I'd Known Before We Became Parents

Navigating the Ups and Downs of Baby's First Year - broadcast CD

Adjusting Your Marriage to a New Baby - broadcast CD

Discovering God's Plan for Your Parenting (Part 1 of 2) - online broadcast

Caring for your baby

Recommended resources

Complete Guide to Baby and Child Care

Unexpected challenges

Hope for Parents of Premature Babies - online broadcast