Marriage • Marital roles / responsibilities Q&A: How to live with a messy spouse My husband and I haven’t been married long, and I’m just now discovering that he is a "messie." Since I’m the one who... Article
Parenting • Marital roles / responsibilities Q&A: How Dad's role differs from Mom's Such is the significance of a father in the life of his kids that a spoken blessing from dad often proves crucial to ... Article
Marriage • Communication Love and money: How to keep one from ruining the other While there are financial hurdles in every marriage, those hurdles needn’t turn into lifelong conflicts. Just like ev... Article
Marriage • In-laws Early steps to help you care for your aging parents Within a brief span of time, adult children can find themselves responsible for Mom and Dad. Here are practical ways... Article
Parenting • Discipline Q&A: Diffusing sibling rivalry We have three boys in elementary school and our two older sons are constantly picking on their younger brother. I int... Article
Marriage • Chores / responsibilities Labours of love: 6 tips for dividing chores in your marriage For better or for worse, there are no labour laws in marriage. But without guidelines, the jumble of daily life, labo... Article
Marriage • Gratitude Q&A: Discovering that married life can be hard If you and your spouse can examine your expectations honestly and recognize them for what they are – false or true, p... Article
Marriage • Unemployment Supporting your spouse through an involuntary career change Whether you or your spouse are facing a job loss, a lay-off or an economic downturn, an involuntary career change imp... Article
Marriage • Marital roles / responsibilities Marriage is not a competitive sport Am I alone? Am I the only self-absorbed, score-keeping spouse on the planet? After years of observing other couples, ... Article
Parenting • Work-life balance Motherhood guilt and the stay-at-home-dilemma When you’ve had a baby, making the decision about whether to stay at home or return to work is a complex one. Here a... Article
Marriage • Communication Sharing tasks can bring you closer as a couple Couples seem to naturally resist the idea of togetherness. All too often they divide tasks; I suggest they try worki... Article
Parenting • Finances Fun ways to help young kids understand money values Here are four fun and engaging ways that can help parents teach little ones how to identify currency and understand i... Article
Marriage • Faith and marriage When you or your spouse is a work in progress It is also helpful to differentiate between needs and goals. Decide as a couple what spiritual practices need to be i... Article
Marriage • Faith building Couple devotional: Sharing This month’s couple devotional is focused on the responsibilities of marriage and, in particular, the thriving marria... Article
Marriage • Communication Be in the company of other couples Being in relationship with other couples has allowed us to see things we want to develop in our marriage and things w... Article
Marriage • Communication Q&A: My wife wants me to help more with the kids From a father: If you ask me, I spend a lot of time with my kids. But my wife expects me to do things I don't know ho... Article
Marriage • Faith and marriage Q&A: What does it mean to be the "spiritual leader" in the family? Generally speaking, if a husband and wife have a healthy relationship, they make decisions together as equals, looki... Article
Parenting • Impact of kids Q&A: How do I get my husband to help with the new baby? The first step toward resolving this difficulty is to air these thoughts and feelings in an honest and non-threatenin... Article
Marriage • Communication Redefining expectations within your marriage Simple miscommunications can create significant barriers in a marriage and often share a common source: unmet expecta... Article
Parenting • Work-life balance Fathers, your kids need quality time with you Children need their fathers now more than ever. It’s up to you to provide the quality time they desperately need. Th... Article