Marriage • In-laws 7 things to remember when your in-laws can’t let go What can you do, then, when your in-laws won’t let go? And how do you navigate this issue without creating more probl... Article
Marriage • In-laws Q&A: When in-laws drop by uninvited Let them know that they are always welcome to come by, but that you would prefer it if they would let you know ahead ... Article
Marriage • In-laws The laws of in-laws Leaving and honouring sets the stage for a relationship of mutual respect with parents and in-laws. Even so, this kin... Article
Marriage • In-laws Myths and realities of extended families Your relationship with your in-laws will probably change once you get married. Article
Marriage • In-laws Q&A: Getting along with the in-laws My spouse doesn't get along with my parents and siblings, and this has led to serious conflict in our marriage. Thing... Article
Parenting • Boundaries Q&A: When mom-in-law nit-picks your parenting You and your husband need to work together to find ways to set some boundaries with your mother-in-law so you don't c... Article
Marriage • In-laws Be the mother-in-law of her dreams Before becoming a mother-in-law, I asked for advice from friends who had good, loving relationships with their daught... Article
Life Challenges • Boundaries 4 boundaries to set as newlyweds The early years of marriage can be a somewhat fragile period. You need to stick to the principle of “marriage should ... Article
Marriage • Stress How being prepared makes all the difference at Christmas From previous family misunderstandings and hurt feelings to scheduling conflicts, tight finances and the wear and tea... Article
Marriage • In-laws 7 strategies for relating to in-laws and building a strong marriage Together, you can face in-law issues and use healthy methods that will foster peace and togetherness in your marriage. Article
Marriage • Boundaries Q&A: Disrespectful and controlling mother-in-law The Scriptural principle is clear. Your mother-in-law has no right to treat you with the disdain and disrespect you’v... Article
Marriage • In-laws How to survive vacation with your in-laws If you and your spouse are facing a similar predicament, here are five things for you to remember to make the most of... Article
Marriage • Boundaries How boundaries with your extended family can improve your marriage Healthy boundaries are a protective hedge around your marriage, before and after you say your vows. Article
Parenting • In-laws Q&A: Approval of future son-in-law Rather than thinking of yourselves as stuck in a no-win situation, consider this as an encouraging milestone in your ... Article
Marriage • In-laws The art of communication: 3 tips for getting along with your in-laws It’s not news that the health of any relationship is dependent on the ability to effectively communicate. And in-law ... Article
Marriage • In-laws Early steps to help you care for your aging parents Within a brief span of time, adult children can find themselves responsible for Mom and Dad. Here are practical ways... Article
Marriage • In-laws 8 expert tips to survive Christmas with the in-laws Every family is different, and those differences become especially apparent during the holidays. Whoever you are and ... Article
Marriage • In-laws Managing expectations in your marriage this holiday season The stress of the holiday season has also provided plenty of opportunity for us to learn about mutual respect, forgiv... Article
Marriage • In-laws When in-laws don't accept you It's normal to want to be accepted by your in-laws. But feeling that you need to be accepted can bring complications.... Article