Parenting • Starting a family 10 creative ways to announce your pregnancy So you’re pregnant! Whether this is your first baby or your sixth, sharing the news that you’re expecting a bundle of... Article
Parenting • Family and relationships The reluctant dad: Preparing for fatherhood again How one dad went from being terrified of having children to embracing their continually growing family. Article
Parenting • Starting a family Handling the costs of a baby without breaking the bank The new-baby budget: Handling the costs of a baby without breaking the bank Article
Parenting • Mental health First-baby stress in new dads Self-care for new dads barely gets a mention. And that can leave some new fathers unprepared for their transition to ... Article
Parenting • Starting a family Lessons from the delivery room That night, I knelt by an empty bed in an empty house. "God," I prayed, "make me real. I want my precious little boy ... Article
Parenting • Starting a family Over 10 tips for taking care of newborns Tips on caring for newborns from moms and dads who have been in your shoes. Article
Parenting • Starting a family Practical tips for parents-to-be Take a look at these suggestions designed to help your household run more smoothly during those irreplaceable days, m... Article
Parenting • Step-parenting The grandparent competition When you compete for your grandkids' love, nobody wins. Article
Parenting • Family and relationships How dads can connect with their children Dad, if you want to influence your kids later, play with them now. Article
Parenting • Marriage How taking care of your marriage is the best thing for your kids Determining to keep the health of your marriage a priority is the key to feeling as though you really are more than j... Article
Parenting • Family and relationships Give your baby a great start: Safeguard healthy attachment To ensure you’re making the very best choices for your infant, it’s important to understand how you, in the first 12 ... Article
Parenting • Starting a family Pausing a career for motherhood Suggesting that I’m squandering my time and talents by caring for my children is accurate only if my objective is per... Article
Parenting • Starting a family A guide for new parents: Coping with parenthood Having a baby is a major life change. Learn ways to adjust to life with children that will help save your sanity and ... Article
Parenting • Marriage Knowing if your marriage is ready for a baby New moms and dads are often blindsided by the magnitude of change that happens when they have their first baby. Here ... Article
Parenting • Sibling rivalry Q&A: What's the ideal spacing between children? Our first child isn't a year old yet, but we're already thinking about having another baby. Do you have any thoughts ... Article
Parenting • Starting a family When you don't feel like a natural-born mom Don't feel like a natural mother? Motherhood is about more than enthusiastically embracing all of the accoutrements o... Article
Parenting • Marriage Putting your spouse before your kids We’re here to tell you – whether your family is traditional or blended – your marriage has to take priority over your... Article
Parenting • Starting a family Trusting God through an unexpected pregnancy Paul and I were married nine months when we found out we were pregnant. However, a new baby was not n our newlywed to... Article
Parenting • Starting a family Raising emotionally healthy children Expecting a baby? By following these tips, you can guide your children into an emotionally healthy future. Article
Parenting • Faith and parenting A simple way to start family devotions Simple and fun ways to start – or restart – family devotions that your kids will connect with. Article