Marriage • Family wounds How childhood attachment impacts your marriage How well you bond in marriage is influenced by your childhood attachment with your parents. So while you're leaving y... Article
Marriage • Boundaries To know and be known Here is the key: A marriage is built on trust, and vulnerability is required for trust to do its work. Article
Marriage • Stress Identifying the emotional wounds we bring into marriage I’m glad that I have set down the baggage of betrayal, control and fear and replaced them with truth, faith and love ... Article
Marriage • Trauma When your spouse struggles with past trauma There is a struggle to understand the spouse’s hidden pain, triggers and sometimes seemingly irrational responses. Ho... Article
Marriage • Family wounds She isn't the person I married: When the illusion of perfection is shattered Was your wife someone different before you got married? Has she changed for the worse over time? Article
Marriage • Life Challenges What is a family of origin? The beliefs, values and rules of a family are passed down from one generation to the next through living life togethe... Article
Marriage • Life Challenges Understanding sin's effect on intimacy Sin and its effects take many forms in our life. For some, this includes great brokenness in their ability to achieve... Article
Marriage • Verbal and emotional abuse Healing the wounds of emotional abuse What follows are some general principles, gleaned from professional Christian counsellors, for breaking the cycle of ... Article
Marriage • Impact of divorce Breaking the cycle of divorce Unless children of divorce identify the false ideas their parents unknowingly planted and replace those ideas with Bi... Article
Marriage • Trauma Q&A: Haunted by the past If you’re suffering from the fallout of your sexual past, here are some things you should bear in mind. Article
Marriage • Stress 10 zappers to marital satisfaction Here are 10 life situations couples may face . . . post credit roll . . . and some ideas about how to keep the music ... Article
Marriage • Verbal and emotional abuse What is spiritual abuse in marriage? Spiritual abuse occurs when an oppressor establishes control and domination by using Scripture, doctrine or his “lead... Article
Marriage • Pornography (women) How to overcome porn addiction and restore relationships It’s a complicated issue that’s not just about sex, but there is hope for recovery. With guidance and hard work, user... Article
Marriage • Separation How to respond when a friend reveals tension in their marriage Suddenly, your friend’s divulging serious stuff about their marriage. So what should we say – and what should we not ... Article
Marriage • Forgiveness Q&A: How do we restore trust in our relationship? Restoring trust takes time. It’s a process that requires both an accurate understanding and an appropriate applicatio... Article
Marriage • Infidelity Guarding your heart against infidelity Infidelity isn’t something to be ignored – it is a threat to your marriage that you need to protect against. In fact,... Article
Marriage • Anger Q&A: Fallout of an affair: Spouse still struggling Nothing shakes up a marriage quite like an affair, and you can’t expect to reverse the damage overnight. Article
Marriage • Engagement How our weaknesses can form the foundation for a solid marriage To know your spouse is to know his or her weaknesses. So how do you respond when your spouse sputters or grows a wart... Article
Marriage • Sexual abuse Pedophilia in marriage What to do when you discover your husband has sexually abused a child. Article
Marriage • Stress How to manage conflict during the coronavirus Now that home has become the hub for work, school, church and play, you and your spouse are together all the time. Sp... Article