Marriage • Finances Q&A: Marriage, finances and buying a house My spouse and I have started talking about the possibility of buying a house. We both agree that we want to own our o... Article
Marriage • Finances Coronavirus: How to keep your family finances strong Because the changes in the market will affect families, we’ve collected several tips and insights to help you and you... Article
Marriage • Finances Q&A: How do we resolve conflicts over finances? Financial disagreements can be a huge problem between husband and wife, especially when one of them is convinced that... Article
Marriage • Stress How to manage your finances as a couple After years as a financial counsellor, I’ve learned that money is the number one cause of divorce – not to mention th... Article
Marriage • Married first 5 years What we wish we knew as newlyweds From communicating to prayer, personality differences to finances, we hope the following advice will give you and you... Article
Marriage • Finances Digging out of debt It is possible to get out of debt – if you are willing to change your lifestyle and have the determination and discip... Article
Parenting • Finances Financial literacy for teens: The power of compound interest Help your teen understand how investing for the long term can super-size their savings. Article
Marriage • Finances How one couple chose to live the simple life For these families, getting back to the basics granted them a level of joy and satisfaction that keeping up with the ... Article
Life Challenges • Finances Q&A: Should Christians make financial investments? There is perhaps no aspect of the Christian life in which there is a greater need for balance than in the area of fin... Article
Marriage • Finances First steps to financial freedom as a couple While there is no one right way to get your finances under control, there are certain principles every spouse needs t... Article
Life Challenges • Finances Identifying dollar destroyers Why do most of us live paycheque to paycheque when we live in one of the wealthiest countries in the world? Article
Parenting • Finances Financial literacy for teens: Using credit cards wisely Help your teen understand how credit cards work and why they should avoid accumulating credit card debt. Article
Marriage • Finances Nine expert tips on managing money in your marriage We chatted with financial experts, mortgage managers and best-selling authors to help you and your spouse learn how t... Article