Parenting • Chores / responsibilities 5 tips to raise a helpful toddler To successfully guide your child through this stage of skill and character development, try these five tips to raise ... Article
Parenting • Faith and parenting Introducing your child to God At each stage of our children’s development, we can point them toward spiritual markers that will help them find true... Article
Parenting • Development stages Q&A: What's holding my child back from potty training? The toddler who succeeds in potty training is the one who is developmentally ready and wants to be trained. Here are ... Article
Parenting • Development stages When potty-training isn't what you expected I was told by my pediatrician that I had lost my opportunity. It was now up to my son. It had become about control, a... Article
Parenting • Development stages Q&A: Ending your child's pacifier and blanket attachment On the whole, we believe it is wisest if parents avoid turning this into a major point of contention until they are p... Article
Parenting • Development stages Social and emotional milestones in child development Save yourself unfounded worry or unnecessary frustration by understanding what your child is capable of at each devel... Article
Parenting • Development stages The value of moms helping one another I still wish my mom were here to call with parenting questions, but it’s good to know that other moms have answers. T... Article
Parenting • Development stages Is your child too old for a bedtime? Too old for a bedtime? Inadequate sleep in tweens is shown to lead to impaired concentration and memory, moodiness an... Article
Parenting • Development stages Competitive parenting: Do you worry about your child’s developmental pace? Too often, competitive parents see early development as a sign of genius or a reflection of good parenting, but it’s ... Article
Parenting • Stress 8 ideas to ease mealtime mayhem Trying to prepare a meal with small children underfoot is never easy. Here are a number of ways to amuse the kids whi... Article
Parenting • Discipline Q&A: How to stop your toddler from biting others When dealing with toddlers, the best way to extinguish any kind of negative behaviour, including biting, is to admini... Article
Parenting • Discipline Q&A: Managing your preschooler's imaginary play A preschooler's imagination can be a wonderful thing. However, keep your eyes and ears open for a few situations that... Article
Parenting • Parenting tips Q&A: How to tell if your little one is ready to start solid food When will our baby be ready to start eating solid food? What foods are best to feed a child at this early stage of de... Article
Parenting • Finances Lessons on money management Today, my own teenager is nearing her senior year. I intend to implement the same plan with her. Then, as Sam makes m... Article
Parenting • Parenting tips Q&A: Tips on childproofing your home Our toddler is highly energetic, extremely curious and unbelievably mobile. I’m wearing myself out just chasing her f... Article
Parenting • Parenting tips Transitioning your child to their first real bed Moving from the crib to a bed is a major change for toddlers. With a few simple strategies, you can make the transiti... Article
Parenting • Parenting tips 5 tips for staying sane while raising teenagers Those who are wise enough to allow their teens room to be themselves will find that the teenage years are invigorati... Article
Parenting • Social teaching Listening to God, not the world What do we want most for kids? We live in a world where "success" and safety nets are the norm, inside and outside th... Article
Parenting • Sex education 3 key principles for discussing the birds and the bees The longer you wait to talk with your child about sex, the more likely it is that his friends and the media will "spi... Article
Parenting • Development stages Starting the day right: Healthy breakfasts for growing tweens When children go to bed at 9 p.m. and rise at 6 a.m., they’ve gone nine hours without food. Their bodies need a nutri... Article