Parenting • Special needs Embracing your child with special needs, just the way they are When parenting a child with special needs, it's easy to forget to simply enjoy your child in the moment. Article
Parenting • Special needs Stress and parenting a child with special needs As challenging as parenting a special needs child can be, you can do this, and do it well. Article
Parenting • Special needs Special needs: When comparison enters your home Dealing with the heartache of your child's limitations, compared with their siblings. Article
Parenting • Special needs Building communication in a deaf and hearing family One of the biggest mistakes the hearing make with the deaf is that they try to bring the deaf into the world of the h... Article
Parenting • Special needs Helping siblings of a child with special needs cope with your family's different lifestyle Acknowledge your children's feelings, but help them to think positively too. Article
Parenting • Special needs Am I doing enough for my child with special needs? When you have kids with disabilities, guilt can seem overwhelming. Learn how to push past it. Article
Parenting • Special needs Providing for a disabled child in Canada Investigate your options when it comes to providing for your disabled child in your estate plan or will. Article
Parenting • Special needs Parenting a special needs child Parents to whom God has given a child with special needs have special needs, too. They have an extraordinary need for... Article
Parenting • Special needs Helping others understand your child's disability My parents’ gracious responses taught me how to provide helpful information to others regarding my vision limitations... Article
Parenting • Special needs The inspiring story of a Special Olympian Suddenly I realized that when you go through a life-changing experience – the birth of a handicapped child, the death... Article
Parenting • Special needs Special grandparenting for a grandchild with special needs A child born with physical or mental handicaps takes grandparenting to a new dimension. Different needs and challenge... Article
Parenting • Special needs Hope and help for parents with a child with autism Tips from a grandmother who became the caregiver for her autistic grandson. Article
Parenting • Special needs Siblings' needs when you have a special needs child It's important to help your other children feel you love them as much as the ones who need you more. Article
Parenting • Mental health Co-parenting when your partner is on the autism spectrum Collaboration between the neurotypical and autistic parent can make parenting success possible! Article
Parenting • Special needs Tips for parents of asthmatic children Are you a parent with a child who has asthma? Here are some tips to help ease your worry and to educate others so the... Article
Parenting • Special needs How one woman rose above her limitations The child who wasn’t supposed to go beyond grade five eventually became a 4.0 student. With the help of educators, pa... Article
Parenting • Special needs Is it ADHD or not? Why deciphering the clues can be difficult If your child is eventually diagnosed with ADHD, don’t consider it a low point. Rather, it’s an important turning poi... Article
Parenting • Special needs Q&A: Could weak math skills mean a learning disability? If your child is seriously lagging behind in math, ask the teacher to arrange for a formal evaluation by the school p... Article
Parenting • Special needs Helping churches include special needs children As the parent of a child with special needs, there is much you can do to help. Here are a few tips to assist with the... Article
Parenting • Special needs Facilitating your special needs child's diagnosis and education So what steps you can take to provide the foundation for a proper diagnosis and to prepare the best possible treatmen... Article