Parenting • Parents of teens Helping children with gender identity confusion What parents need to know about about transgenderism and gender identity issues in children and adolescents. Article
Parenting • Life Challenges Affirming your daughter's gender identity A mother can affirm the gender of her teenage daughter both by the example she sets and in the relationship she forms... Article
Parenting • Gender identity Helping kids stand firm in the ever-changing landscape of transgenderism Christian teens need to understand transgenderism as well as how to respond in love and truth. Article
Parenting • Gender identity Explaining LGBT pronoun usage to our kids Tips on how to approach this sensitive topic with your kids. Article
Parenting • Life Challenges Q&A: Does my tomboyish daughter need counselling? Based on what you’ve told us, we’d suggest that you need to take a closer look at why your daughter seems to relate m... Article
Parenting • Gender identity Rapid onset gender dysphoria: A social contagion? What can explain the meteoric rise in the number of kids who say they are transgender? Article
Parenting • Gender identity Reinforce your child's sexual identity Intentionally blurring the real differences between boys and girls is harmful to children who need social cues to und... Article
Parenting • Gender identity Talking to your children about transgender issues It’s tough enough for adults to understand this subject. So when our children encounter this confusing issue, what do... Article
Parenting • Life Challenges How to respond when your child wishes they were a different gender First of all, try not to overreact. It is important to listen to your child and set your own anxiety aside for the mo... Article
Parenting • Self image and identity The value of same-gender role models As a single dad, I knew I needed to rebalance our household and obtain some outside help from the opposite gender to ... Article
Parenting • Homosexuality How to talk with your daughter about sexual orientation, gender identity and same-sex attraction Talking with your daughter about these issues may seem overwhelming, but this is the world your daughter lives in, an... Article
Parenting • Gender identity What it takes to be a man: Guiding your son toward true manliness The answers you provide, or that he arrives at for himself, will echo down the hallway of the remainder of his life, ... Article
Parenting • Gender identity Affirming the unique person God designed your child to be Parents should affirm a child’s God-given design, not stereotypes of gender. A boy, for example, may be more interest... Article
Parenting • Gender identity Q&A: How gender distinctions affect parenting Being aware of the distinct psychological and emotional needs of boys versus girls will make you a better parent, and... Article
Parenting • Society and culture Does equal mean identical? As parents of teen daughters, we need to affirm our teen's value without diminishing others. Article
Parenting • Family and relationships Decoding how to talk to sons and daughters Understanding neurological differences between boys and girls can lead to stronger parent-child communication. Article
Parenting • Family and relationships Grandparents under threat: Either support transgender grandchild or be cut off Building bridges to stay connected with your kids and grandchild. Article
Parenting • Homosexuality Child's sexual orientation in doubt You must commit to patience, prayer and perseverance. You may shed rivers of tears, but you must not allow animosity ... Article
Parenting • Society and culture Answering kids’ questions about LGBT friends Though originally published in Brio magazine for teen girls, this article will help you answer some of your teen’s qu... Article
Parenting • Sex education Healthy childhood sexual development: Fulfillment (Ages 13-18) In this age span, we want to encourage them to embrace their life in Christ in such a way that whether single or marr... Article