Marriage • Self image and identity Low self-esteem and your marriage In marriage, a poor self-image is not just a private burden, but it can also harm the health of your most intimate re... Article
Marriage • Self image and identity Q&A: Fallout of an affair: Low self-esteem and forgiveness issues Any relational improvements after the fallout of an affair may prove to be superficial if you don’t make an effort to... Article
Marriage • Boundaries Highly sensitive spouses: What you need to know Being a highly sensitive person (HSP) in a close relationship such as marriage can lead to unique problems – whether ... Article
Marriage • Jealousy Q&A: Did I marry the wrong person? Our response is simple. Marriage is not primarily about "finding the right person." It’s about being the right person. Article
Marriage • Gratitude Spouses are often different for a reason Though it may often seem otherwise, God has created our differences for our own good. The confusion that often comes ... Article
Marriage • Self image and identity Overcoming men's midlife obstacles While most men navigate this season well, others fall apart. But midlife doesn’t have to be a struggle if we know wha... Article
Marriage • Evangelism What kind of example are you setting in your marriage? You’re setting an example to the people around you, whether you like it or not. The choices you’re making in your mar... Article
Marriage • Self image and identity The problem with nice guys The Christian Nice Guy Syndrome is an emotional and spiritual malady that robs husbands of the power and passion nece... Article
Marriage • Verbal and emotional abuse The damage caused by a wife's need to control As a devoted wife, I just wanted to help my husband become the man he was meant to be. What’s wrong with that? It’s d... Article
Marriage • Self image and identity Understanding your spouse’s strengths Focusing on your spouse’s strengths is also a key to dealing with four predictable areas of conflict every couple wil... Article
Marriage • Self image and identity How newlyweds can stop acting single After moving from a season of singleness into the routine life of marriage, couples often find it challenging to stop... Article
Marriage • Self image and identity Finding a common dictionary as a cross-cultural couple You and your spouse will likely have different cultural dictionaries for defining and interpreting certain values, cu... Article
Marriage • Self image and identity Loving your introverted or extroverted spouse To find out about the personality of your partner and their specific emotional needs is to take an intentional step o... Article
Marriage • Well-being You (don't) complete me: A healthier understanding of oneness in marriage No person can ever complete you, and expecting someone to do so can set a toxic precedent for your relationship. But ... Article
Marriage • Conflict How to rekindle "like" for your spouse What can you do to rekindle that sense of connection when you feel it’s missing? Consider the following questions. Article
Marriage • Trauma Sexual trauma and its effect on marriage When someone is sexually abused, he or she is robbed of his or her innocence and peace of mind. The victim fights sel... Article
Marriage • Boundaries When you feel squelched by your forceful spouse If you’re a gentle-natured person with a domineering spouse, you need to push back when your spouse is overbearing. ... Article
Marriage • Married first 5 years What we wish we knew as newlyweds From communicating to prayer, personality differences to finances, we hope the following advice will give you and you... Article
Marriage • Parenting God’s design for sex The Christian view of sexuality is a very radical one. God's design for sex is bigger than we often realize. Article
Marriage • Separation When you don't want to divorce but your spouse does A rash reaction will do little to change your spouse’s opinion. The best thing you can do is to stay calm and not pus... Article