Marriage • Life Challenges Understanding infertility There is no "typical" infertility patient, and the causes of infertility vary widely. Article
Marriage • Infertility What is secondary infertility? However, many couples have discovered that there is a condition known as “secondary infertility,” which is essentiall... Article
Marriage • Infertility 6 things to consider about the ethics of reproductive technology It is not my place or purpose to define those boundaries for all other couples. However, I would like to highlight th... Article
Marriage • Life Challenges Navigating the grief of infertility and miscarriage Hearing that these issues can be damaging to marriages, they decided to see a counsellor. Article
Marriage • Infertility Navigating painful reminders when you’re struggling with infertility I couldn’t escape the constant reminders of what I hoped for and didn’t have. Why did it seem that every other couple... Article
Marriage • Infertility The grief of infertility Physical barrenness is beyond our control, but Kerrie and I can take steps to ensure we don’t suffer spiritual barren... Article
Marriage • Starting a family New couples: When do we start our family? No one else can dictate precisely how these factors ought to influence your decision to begin having children. But wh... Article
Marriage • Physical intimacy / sex Newlywed sex: How will you respond to the challenges you'll be facing? The best marital advice I can give you is to determine to be a team in sexual intimacy, no matter what. Here are four... Article
Marriage • Engagement 7 essential conversations to have with your future spouse This simplified list of questions that real couples found to be the most helpful will give you and your fiancé(e) a s... Article
Marriage • Married A marriage in crisis after a job loss You and your spouse can weather the short-term, after-crisis blows together with intentional, purposeful attention an... Article
Marriage • Boundaries The benefits of losing control in your marriage When husbands or wives attempt to control their spouse, they are placing themselves in the position of God, squelchin... Article
Marriage • Remarriage Navigating midlife remarriage Remarrying was a huge step, especially after past failures and hurts. But we knew God had blessed us with a wonderful... Article
Marriage • Married first 5 years What we wish we knew as newlyweds From communicating to prayer, personality differences to finances, we hope the following advice will give you and you... Article
Marriage • Remarriage Common misconceptions about marrying again Remarriage expectations are numerous, but here are a number of myths we hear most often before couples marry again. Article
Marriage • Remarriage When the past is present in your remarriage Your spouse may act nothing like your ex, but you might be unfairly reacting based on fears and emotions that are roo... Article
Marriage • In-laws 7 strategies for relating to in-laws and building a strong marriage Together, you can face in-law issues and use healthy methods that will foster peace and togetherness in your marriage. Article
Marriage • Remarriage Dealing with the past when you're remarried Gil and Brenda Stuart brought memories, habits and history into their new marriage. They learned the importance of ac... Article
Marriage • Remarriage How we built a successful second marriage Seeking premarital guidance from a Christian counselling ministry was the logical choice to proactively protect our m... Article
Marriage • Conflict How to rekindle "like" for your spouse What can you do to rekindle that sense of connection when you feel it’s missing? Consider the following questions. Article
Marriage • Parenting Q&A: When visits with a step-parent disrupt kids' behaviour Consider why your children might be acting out when they return. What do you think is the meaning behind the behaviour? Article