Faith and Culture • World events The politics of immigration: 5 Biblical proposals The shifting developments around immigration law, especially in the United States, have fuelled passions to a fever p... Article
Faith and Culture • Society and culture Rachael Denhollander: Gospel light in a dark place Attorney Rachael Denhollander was sexually abused as a young girl by her doctor, Larry Nassar. Her statement at his s... Article
Faith and Culture • World events Remembering the refugees: 9 principles for Christians The Syrian refugee crisis remains a complex problem with no easy solutions in sight. For Christians with a heart to h... Article
Faith and Culture • World events ISIS and the lessons of persecution For Christians, troubling world events are occasions to remind ourselves of what we believe, not merely as facts to ... Article
Faith and Culture • Society and culture Every nation, tribe and tongue: Jesus’ beautiful multiracial bride As followers of Jesus, we’re heartbroken by suffering and injustice, and we wonder how to respond to it. How can we e... Article
Faith and Culture • Society and culture Do Christians strain out gnats and swallow camels? Christians are often accused of majoring on the minors, of spending their time arguing about theology or harping on s... Article
Faith and Culture • World events World wars, pandemics and the hand of God Do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with your God. For followers of Jesus, it’s a manifesto for how to live, n... Article
Faith and Culture • Society and culture God among the gods in Thor: Love and Thunder Thor: Love and Thunder imagines what an assembly of gods might look like. But beyond that scene, the movie’s themes o... Article
Faith and Culture • History The Minor Prophets: An anthology of prose, poetry and promise The Minor Prophets contain some of the most vivid messianic imagery and thrilling promises in the Bible. They form an... Article
Faith and Culture • Society and culture God’s redemptive love for orphans, widows and outsiders Why does God care so deeply about orphans, widows and outsiders? The simple answer is that it reflects his own loving... Article
Faith and Culture • Society and culture Pop culture pantheism: Replacing God with the universe Replacing God with the universe has become a standard trope in movies, TV shows, and on social media. Almost any type... Article
Faith and Culture • Society and culture Balancing the kindness and the severity of God Most of us are drawn to the love and mercy of God, but his wrath and judgment are a different matter. It’s only as we... Article
Faith and Culture • World events Divine providence in a winter of discontent For followers of Jesus, the source of hope and strength in times such as these lies not in looking around, but in loo... Article
Faith and Culture • Society and culture Dune: Part Two – Heroic journey or cautionary tale? Among all the thought-provoking themes in Dune: Part Two, the most valuable is its unflinching portrayal of false mes... Article
Faith and Culture • Society and culture A Better Story: God, Sex and Human Flourishing In his book, Harrison argues that the sexual revolution succeeded because it presented a compelling narrative of free... Article
Faith and Culture • Society and culture The Reformation: Lasting impacts on church and culture On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the church door in Wittenberg, sparking the Protestant Ref... Article
Faith and Culture • Faith and religion Coming home: An invitation to join God's family If your heart longs for something or someone that will give meaning to your existence, this article can help. Article
Faith and Culture • Society and culture Whole person evangelism: Caring for body, mind and soul If we’re to follow the teaching and example of our Lord, we’ll share the good news of salvation and grace through Jes... Article
Faith and Culture • Society and culture Responding to the sexual revolution: An interview with Glynn Harrison Glynn Harrison’s book, A Better Story: God, Sex and Human Flourishing, reflects on what a Christian counter-narrative... Article
Faith and Culture • Society and culture Rebecca McLaughlin: Loving God with all of the mind As a public intellectual, Rebecca McLaughlin walks in the footsteps of C.S. Lewis and Timothy Keller. She speaks and ... Article