Faith and Culture • Society and culture Why manhood doesn’t happen naturally The boy’s transition into manhood is not similarly pre-determined. It must be created with significant intentionality. Article
Faith and Culture • Society and culture Male and female in God’s image: Empowerment and challenge As followers of Jesus, it’s incumbent on us to meditate on the implications of being God's male and female image bear... Article
Faith and Culture • Society and culture Barbie, Oppenheimer, and life’s big existential questions Barbie and Oppenheimer subverted the expectations of their respective (and overlapping) audiences. Both movies explor... Article
Faith and Culture • Society and culture The Secular Creed: Engaging Five Contemporary Claims In Rebecca McLaughlin's book, The Secular Creed: Engaging Five Contemporary Claims, she addresses the ideas behind a ... Article
Faith and Culture • Society and culture A Better Story: God, Sex and Human Flourishing In his book, Harrison argues that the sexual revolution succeeded because it presented a compelling narrative of free... Article
Faith and Culture • Society and culture Every nation, tribe and tongue: Jesus’ beautiful multiracial bride As followers of Jesus, we’re heartbroken by suffering and injustice, and we wonder how to respond to it. How can we e... Article
Faith and Culture • Society and culture Captain Marvel: Drawn into an ideological war not her own What was it about Captain Marvel that sparked such a polarized online reaction? And what does that reaction say about... Article
Faith and Culture • Well-being How to become emotionally intelligent Made in the image of God who Himself demonstrates emotions, we are emotional beings in addition to physical, spiritua... Article
Faith and Culture • Society and culture Freedom to be sad: God’s care for the brokenhearted The church ought to be a place where people feel safe to share their sorrows and their deepest hurts, to find compass... Article
Faith and Culture • Faith and religion Absolute truth in a relativistic world Even though our society tells us that it's narrow-minded to believe in ultimate truth, there's lots of evidence that ... Article