Ways to give

Your donation, no matter the size, will provide resources and support to Canadian families.

Giving options

Your donation, no matter the size, will provide resources and support to Canadian families.

Monthly giving

Our monthly donors are a very special group of ministry partners: they are committed to helping Canadian families thrive every day and to speaking out for God's design for marriage and family life in our country.

As a member of Friends of the Family, your monthly contribution – of any amount – will provide steady funding that builds the foundation of a strong ministry. With this strong foundation, we are better able to transform lives through the power of Christ, strengthen and encourage families, and promote Biblical values in our country.

You can become a Friend of the Family by joining our monthly donor program today.

Monthly partnership makes giving easy and convenient for you:

  • Your monthly gifts come straight from your chosen bank account or credit card – automatically
  • Your gift will appear on your financial statement as “Focus on Family” as a reminder of your faithful commitment and support of the family
  • You will receive one consolidated tax receipt for all your monthly gifts made in the previous calendar year
  • You can change or cancel your gift at any time

You can help families thrive all year long! Become a Friend of the Family today.

To donate online:

If you would like to donate using a credit card, you can do that online here.

Give monthly

To donate by telephone:

Please call 1.800.661.9800 from Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. to speak to one of our team members and they will guide you through the process of becoming a Friend of the Family. You can choose to donate monthly on your credit card or by electronic fund transfer from your bank.

To donate by mail:

If you would like to become a Friend of the Family by credit card or by electronic fund transfer from your bank, simply download the donation form below and send it to:

Focus on the Family Canada
19946 80A Avenue
Langley, BC V2Y 0J8

Please include a void cheque if you would like to donate by electronic fund transfer.

Download the form